Sunday, April 6, 2008


Oops, I accidently ended my blog (how I did it is a mystery to me)I didn't get to my "other Musings". For years I have been embarrassed to admit that I love my job. I am a good LDS woman and never planned to work. I would gladly have stayed home the rest of my life and been happy as a clam. At first I felt like I was breaking a commandment going to work. I truly did. I am definately "old school". Aaron would lay the guilt on too by saying things like "I feel like I am having to raise myself". He was 15 years old when I took this job. In the beginning I took a job because Bob needed a little help paying for Aramie's mission (Bob asked me to so I felt like I didn't have a choice in the matter). I earned just enough to pay tithing ,Aramie's mission, and little else. But something changed along the way and now I ,for the most part, enjoy my job. I used to walk in the door and think" I hate this place". It had nothing to do with my co-workers, they were generally speaking all very nice people. Now after working there for 8 + years I am comfortable with working and earning some extra money. Not that I have bags of it laying have read Aramie's blogs, right. In fact I am usually broke. The down side is this: I have never been able to serve two masters so to speak. So now most of the things I used to love to do like cooking, baking, & sewing I now hate to do . I used to adore doing all those things and now they are drudgery. I am sad about this fact. I am or should I say used to be a really good cook and a very good baker. Now if I can get away with making hamburger helper or burritos I am happy. I haven't made my yummy (if I do say so myself) cinnamon rolls in atleast 2 years , maybe longer. I know some women can do it all (Gigi) but when i get home from work all I want to do is put my feet up and escape into a movie or a sit com. I am not worth a penny at home and I do feel very bad about it. So there you have it. The former Judd kids (now all adults) have a couch potato for a mom. I am just glad most of them aren't around to see it.


Aramie Judd Christopherson said...

It's okay mom. You don't have to do all of those things if you don't feel like it. Thanks for paying for my mission! I didn't know that you did it all on your own. I sure had a good time and learned a think or two along the way!

gigi said...

I worked 22 years of my married life. I always felt guilty. As a young mother it was so hard. Harry made it easier by keeping our children when he was home so that they didn't have to go out side the home for day care. I worked around his schedule by working nights. It was still hard on both of us but I think if I'd stayed home he wouldn't have taken such a big part in their care. Having done so, our boys are his best friends.

Now, I take care of him and our grand daughters. It's hard work! I think that it would be easier to go to work. When the babies go home I'm to tired to cook. I usually tell Harry, "Drive thru of your Choice" thank goodness he understands. I have the girls every other day. One week M-W-F the next week Tue. & Thurs. I don't know what I'd do if I had them every day. They are so busy and so smart that they require all my energy and attention. They're other grandmother takes the other days. So my grand babies are blessed to have us both.

As for my housekeeping skills I'm in need of some serious help. If something happens to Harry in our bedroom, I'll have to drag him into the living room before I call the ambulance. I'm to embarrassed by the way it looks and besides that they might not find him in all the junk and clutter. I think of this every night when I lay down in that room. My goal is to have it cleaned before school gets out for summer. So don't feel alone in your musings. You never know what really goes on behind the closed doors of someone's life. I love this blogging. I love you.

Leah said...

I think you are great!

hil said...

mom, no lie- just today i was telling Frankie, "you haven't lived until you've tried my mom's cinnamon rolls." hey--i don't even work, i only have one kid, and my house is way worse than yours ever was. i frequently cook fuit loops or mcdonalds value meals for dinner. and i grew up in a house where my mom always made delicious home-made dinners! it's like Daddy said, "hillary, when it comes time to teach your daughter domestic skills, you are going to say, "Darby, if God wanted us to eat it, he would've put it in a package." it's so true. i actually remember that the first time you guys visited us in Arizona, Daddy asked if i had a vegetable peeler. i didn't know. i searched through my odds and ends drawer and found one that i received as a wedding gift (i had already been married a year!). i said, "here you go, Daddy. it's like new---never been used." i know my Mama taught me better than that! and i loved Gigi's comment about dragging Harry out of the room before calling an ambulance. i'd probably have to drag Frankie to the end of the street, just to be sure that we were clear of the smell eminating from my filth! i love you, Mootie.

hil said...

one more thing, mom. Frankie was also Anne Elliot! i was looking at your sight and Frankie said, "hey, i was Anne Elliot, too." i turned very slowly and said, "what?!" i thought that was so cute.

gigi said...

I've given you an award, it is the award of distinction. Hop on over to my blog and read all about it.